The Nicolosi Story
Pictured: Robert Nicolosi, Owner

My great grandfather Salvatore Nicolosi sailed to America from Palermo, Italy, on a ship called “The Italia.” He grew up in a small town called Trapani in the west of Sicily, a beautiful, ancient fishing village famous for tuna fishing, salt cultivation, and olives. The olive branch in the Nicolosi Foods logo stands for hospitality and peace, but it also honors my family’s history.
Salvatore’s tales from his childhood were passed down to me from his son, my grandfather Isadore. He told stories of a hard life, but one that was rich in tradition and love for family.
In 1952, my grandfather founded Nicolosi Foods along with my father and my uncle. Over the years, they built a family business that became known for service, integrity, and dedication to providing consistent and quality pork products to the market.
At a young age, I discovered my passion for food when my grandmother taught me to cook. Together we would make meatballs, sausage and manicotti from scratch. As I got older, I began my career at Nicolosi Foods with my grandfather over the summers and after school.
After college graduation, I worked full time and learned all of the facets of the business, the only way you can learn in this business, from the ground up! I have worked in every position from the boning line to sales. Today, I am the proud owner of Nicolosi Foods.
My goal is to continue the tradition that my family began, and to take Nicolosi Foods to the next level of service, quality, and innovation.
Robert Nicolosi