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What’s The Difference Between Berkshire Pork And Regular Pork?

The main differences between regular and Berkshire pork are the taste, meat quality, tenderness, and fat. Regular pork comes from the American Landrace pigs versus the Japanese or English hogs. The flavor of Berkshire meat is much more juicy, flavorful, and tender than that of other pigs. What makes Berkshire pork chop special? Berkshire pork is renowned for its richness, texture, marbling, juiciness, tenderness and overall depth of flavor. It is thought by many to be the Kobe beef of pork. It is said to have a very specific taste, not generic and bland or mild like regular pork. Where do Berkshire pork chops come from? Berkshire pork comes from a heritage breed pig. With a long history that goes back some 300...

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