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Broccoli Rabe & Pecorino Romano Sausage Recipe Ideas

Our Berkshire Black Broccoli Rabe Sausage is one of our staples here at Nicolosi Foods. The flavors from the broccoli rabe and Pecorino Romano can truly take the lead in any dish. How we like to serve our Broccoli Rabe: Ingredients Needed: Berkshire Black Broccoli Rabe Sausage, Pasta of your choice, olive oil, parsley, salt, pepper We serve our Berkshire Broccoli Rabe sausages simply. We start by cooking our sausages on a cast iron on a stove top in order to get the seared finish grill marks. To finish the sausage, we then place the cast iron in the oven and bake to an internal temperature of 160 degrees. Be sure to keep an eye on the oven, you don't want to overcook or dry...

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Summer Kale Salad With Berkshire Pork Sausage

  Looking for a protein-packed salad that's loaded with flavor? Here's a Summer Kale Salad with Berkshire Sausage that'll hit the spot. Our pork is all-natural and antibiotic-free, making it a nutritional and flavor-packed addition to this dish. Look for the balsamic vinaigrette to add the perfect complement to the kale and tomatoes. Enjoy!   Time | 15 minutes    Serves | 6 Ingredients 2 large bunches of Curly Kale, about 8-12 leaves, stems removed, roughly-chopped 4 links Nicolosi’s Berkshire Black Sweet Italian Sausage 3 Plum Tomatoes, diced 4 slices of Nicolosi's Berkshire Black Bacon 4 Large Eggs, hard-boiled, diced Extra Virgin Olive Oil to cook sausage For Vinaigrette: 1 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1/3 cup Balsamic Vinegar 1 teaspoon Dried Oregano Salt and Pepper   Instructions: Heat olive...

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